Do you remember those wax bottle candies from when you were a kid? Those ones that were filled with that sticky sugary sweet liquid? Well, we had been looking all over to find some of these candies because we really wanted to use them for a video. We finally found some! They're just like I remember from when I was a kid, every color of the rainbow and so satisfying to squish under your toes.
Lady Mae got to play in this sticky mess for the video we shot and you could tell she was having fun with this one. The sound of those candies bursting under her toes was way better than we expected. Mae even aimed one towards the camera, popped it with her toes and it sprayed me and the camera with sticky green candy! This is a really fun and messy one.
This is a suggestive photograph, and I get the point. She would dig my eyeballs out with her powerful toes if I paid her enough, and then pop them open. I'll give her all the money she wants to do that to me, that's just how queer I am.